Caseta magnetica – Magnetic palette

Unde sa imi pun fardurile ?

Inainte de fiecare vacanta sau inainte de a merge la o clienta, m-am gandit cum pot sa iau tot cu mine (pentru ca imi trebuie tot 😁)si sa ocup spatiu minim, sa nu am bagaje imense.  Asa ca in urma cu ceva timp am inceput cautarea pe web a paletelor magnetice. Am inceput sa caut palete in care pot pune pastilute diverse, adica si de farduri de ochi, si de bronzere si de blushuri. 

Dupa cum stiti, fiecare brand de cosmetice are varianta lor de palete magnetice, dar problema este ca nu poti pune decat fardurile lor. Adica daca vrei sa pui un fard Inglot in o paleta magnetica MAC nu poti, pentru ca nu se ataseaza. Aceeasi chestie cu farduri MAC in palete Inglot, nu se ataseaza. Bineinteles sa inteleg strategia lor de marketing, dar ma gandesc si sa imi fie mie comod.

Am gasit atunci, Z-palette, care sunt foarte dragute, dar am inteles ca mai trebuie sa cumperi si niste banuti magnetici pe care sa-i lipesti pe rezerva de fard( cine are timp…sincer?! ) si atunci cand am cautat eu, era mai complicat sa cumperi din strainatate pentru ca plateai o suma considerabila la vama. Am cautat o lunga perioada de timp pana am gasit ceva, la noi in tara.

Te-am gasit!


Dupa indelungi cautari in mediul virtual si nu numai, am gasit niste palete foarte dragute, foarte ieftine si chiar maricele. Toate au un design floral pe fond negru si o fereastra transparenta unde poti vedea ce farduri ai in paleta. Sunt facute din carton solid si eu o am pe a mea de vreo 4 ani. Am curatat-o des, si am tot schimbat fardurile in ea si tin sa va spun ca inca arata bine dupa atat timp! Nu s-a deteriorat si chiar s-a mentinut excelent. Asa ca m-am decis sa mai iau una pt sora mea si chiar ma gandeam oare le mai fac, pentru ca din nou am inceput cautarea online si nu gaseam ceva ok.

Cum arata paleta magnetica?


Dupa cum puteti vedea este dreptunghiulara, are scris pe spate dimensiunile. Este din carton solid. Are atasat pe fundul ei ceva folie magnetica care nu se misca.


Ce m-a impresionat foarte tare este faptul ca este foarte subtire. Pentru mine asta este un alt plus. Daca aruncati o privire in poza, puteti vedea comparatia cu paleta de la MAC. 


Pretul paletei magnetice?

Paleta costa 30 lei pe site, aproximativ €6.5 super accesibila ca pret. Au si dimensiuni mai mari, eu am ales varianta cea mai mica. Mi-ar fi placut sa faca si o dimensiune mai mica ca a mea, dar e ok si asa. Am in ea farduri si blush de la MakeupGeek,  de la Inglot, de la Too Faced (le-am scos dintr-o paleta de Craciun, doar cele ce ma interesau), inclusiv bronzer Too Faced, deci poti pune diverse branduri si fardurile stau atasate.

O puteti gasi aici. Sper sa va ajute in cautarea de palete si de spatiu cat mai redus. Mai au ei o gramada de produse faine, inclusiv pensule Sigma. Am incercat si pensulele brand propriu si am ramas placut surprinsa de calitatea lor.

Doresc sa mentionez ca postarea nu este sponsorizata, doar am vrut sa va povestesc experienta mea placuta.

Where do I put my makeup?

Before every vacation or before going to a client I found myself thinking how can I pack all the makeup I want and not carry half a bag only with cosmetics (although in the end, because I love so many things, I carry a lot with me 🤦 ). So a while back I thought of magnetic palettes  and  I stated searching for one where I can put eyeshadow pans, a few blush pans, some bronzers from any brands.

As you know each brand of makeup has their own magnetic palette, however for example MAC Cosmetics pans only stay in their own brand magnetic palette. So if you want to put a Inglot eyeshadow in a MAC Cosmetics palette it will not attach. Or a MAC Cosmetics in a Inglot magnetic palette, same story, it won’t attach.

I did find then, the Z- palette and they are still available on Beauty Bay, however at that time I could not buy it online, due to taxes, as it was quite expensive. Also I remember you had to buy some magnetic coins to glue to the back of the pan (honestly who’s got the time?!). So I searched for an alternative and I found one in my country.

I got it! 


I found these cute palettes, really inexpensive, and quite big.  They all have the floral design and a plastic window where you can see the eyeshadows you have. They are made of a solid cardboard and I have my first one for 4 years, cleaned it often , but it still looks as new. I decided to buy a second one for a dear person.

How does it look like?

On the back you can see the size engraved on the palette. It has some sort of magnetic sheet that is unremovable and helps the pans stick to the palette. 

The palette is really slim so for me this was a plus. I took a picture comparing it to my Mac magnetic palette. Mac is bulkier, this one is slim.


How much does it cost ?

The price is excellent. This one is 30 lei (~€6.5 )and can you see how many shadows it holds? I have there Makeup Geek shadows and blush, Inglot shadows, Too Faced shadows and blush, so you can put different brands and they stay attached.

You can find it here. Hope this helps you in your quest to find a nice palette. I must tell you they also have all kinds of products. I have tried even their own makeup brush brand and i was surprised by the decent quality of the brushes.

Kindly note this is not a sponsored post. I just wanted to let you know about my positive experience.


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